170+ Designers Pre-Release!
We provide as many tools we can to make it easy to create for our body.
Blender, Maya, Photoshop, as well as .Dae and FBX Substance Painter
[SP] Peach DEVKIT 2.2 Avastar Blender v2.79 TPOSE.blend
[SP] Peach DEVKIT 2.2 Avastar Blender v2.79 APOSE.blend
[SP] Peach DEVKIT 2.2 Avastar Blender v2.79 (THIGH MOD).blend
[SP] Peach DEVKIT 2.2 Avastar Blender v2.79 (NAILS).blend
[SP] Peach DEVKIT 2.2 Avastar Blender v2.8+ TPOSE.blend
[SP] Peach DEVKIT 2.2 Avastar Blender v2.8+ APOSE.blend
[SP] Peach DEVKIT 2.2 Bento Buddy Blender v2.8+.blend
[SP] Peach DEVKIT # 2.2 MAYA A+T pose.ma
[SP] Peach DEVKIT @ 2.2 THIGH MOD.dae
[SP] Peach DEVKIT @ 2.2 MESH TPOSE.dae
[SP] Peach DEVKIT @ 2.2 MESH APOSE.dae
[SP] @ Peach.dkp
[SP] @ Peach StockingsKit 2.2.psd
[SP] @ Peach SkinKit Substance pre-2018.fbx
[SP] @ Peach SkinKit Substance pre-2018.dae
[SP] @ Peach SkinKit Substance 2018+.fbx
[SP] @ Peach SkinKit Substance 2018+.dae
[SP] @ Peach SkinKit PhotoShop.dae
[SP] @ Peach SkinKit DevKit 1.5.psd
[SP] @ Peach Avastar default shape blender 2.79.py
Sign up to be a verified [SP] Peach Body Designer
advertise your various fashions on the [SP] Peach Discord
Apply for DEVKIT in -applications- channel. Applications are processed each week!